Agnieszka Krzymińska

Trwałość ciętych kwiatów hiacyntów uzyskanych z cebul pędzonych w wodzie

Z Katedry Roślin Ozdobnych
Akademii Rolniczej im. Augusta Cieszkowskiego w Poznaniu

Abstract. Inflorescences of hyacinth obtained from forcing in water had bigger longevity than flowers cut from plants forced in standard medium. Gibberellic acid did not cause any increase longevity of inflorescences. The biggest longevity had cultivars ‘Delft Blue’ and ‘City of Haarlem’.

Key words: Hyacinthus orientalis, cut flowers, longevity, forcing in water


Post-harvest longevity of cut flowers of hyacinth obtained from bulbs forced in water


Bulbs of five hyacinth cultivars: ‘City of Haarlem’, ‘Carnegie’, ‘Jan Bos’, ‘Lady Derby’ and ‘Delft Blue’ were placed in water “flexy-tray” containers and in box with standard medium. After 12 weeks of cooling the plants were transferred into a greenhouse. The flowers were cut during coloured and slightly opened bottom flowers stage. Then the flowers were placed in water or GA3 solution of 100 or 200 mg∙dm-3.

Bigger longevity had inflorescences obtained from forcing in water. The biggest longevity had cultivars ‘Delft Blue’ and ‘City of Haarlem’. Using gibberellic acid did not increase longevity of cut hyacinth inflorescences.